View Responses to a Form


  1. Configure the response table.
    • To filter the responses based on the response date, choose a day, a week, a month, a year, a custom date range, or All Time.

      Filter by response date.

    • To change which columns are displayed, click/tap on Manage Columns to expand the column configuration panel, which contains these tabs:

      • Response Fields are the same fields that you added to your form. By default, all these fields are already included in the response table.
      • Data Fields are the metadata fields, such as the time the form was submitted and what percentage of the form was completed.

      To add a column, drag the name of the field from the column configuration panel to its new position in the table.

      To remove a column, click/tap the X in the column header. The name of the undisplayed column is moved to the column configuration panel under the appropriate tab.

      To rearrange the columns, drag and drop a column's header to its new position.

  2. Manage the responses.
    • To search for a specific response, enter a value in the Search field. All form fields are searched.
    • To delete responses, check the boxes for the responses to delete, then click/tap Delete.
    • To export responses to an Excel spreadsheet, check the boxes for the responses to export, then click/tap Export. Check your download folder for the .xslx file.