Create an Article in the Publisher Module

  • Evoq Content
  • Evoq Engage

An article can be announcements, news, press releases.


  1. Go to a page with the Publisher module.
  2. Click/Tap Create Post.

    Publisher module with the Edit Bar

  3. Create your article.

    Create an article with the Publisher module

    1. Add an image to be displayed above your article.

      You can:

      • upload a file,
      • choose a file that is already in your site, or
      • copy a file from the web.
      Note: Please be mindful of copyrights when using images from the web.
    2. (Optional) After adding the image, you can replace or delete the image by clicking the pencil icon or X icon, respectively.

    3. Enter the title and text for your topic.

      Clicking/Tapping Type your story here opens a text-editing panel, where you can format the body of the text, create links, and add more images.

  4. (Optional) Edit the properties of the article.

    Field Description
    [Page] URL Custom URL for the page.
    Featured If checked, the article is listed in the featured article section of the module.
    Tags Comma-separated tags to associate with the article.
  5. (Optional) Change the author of the article.

    By default, the current user is specified as the author of the article; however, you can override this setting and select a different author from the list.

    Tip: If an author is not included in the list, verify that they belong to a role that has View permissions for the module.